a rush last week...failed to find time to add notes for this post
it start i receive fresh B Full 'L' License from my agent on sunday 16thMay2010
with my NotSoBraveHeart...1st time in my life...on 17thmay2010 (Monday)
..i rode the bike out of ShahAlam..!! work..!!...
scared + panic@disco + Awie feel...all the way to the office
a bit tricky to manouvre in traffic jam @ Brickfields....
to make everthing look sweet....after office..i rode the bike in heavy rain....
no problem for me other than wet...the bike perform at its best...manage to get back in one piece...
but on the next morning....18may2010 (Tuesday)...BadLuck catching me up
1st the bike can't start...all power ZERO....decided to take my EscudO to work...but..
the EscudO also refuse to cooporate...engine overheat as i pass Quality great
with this two signs try to stop me from working that day...EL is the only answer for the day
after resting from migrain....had my lunch with my crew...
luckly find some time to checked the bike...
maybe the bike can't stand the sudden abuse....there's flood in the Ignition Switch
also...some bad contact...rusted as it not sealed properly
detail shot
the wire board....
the FAIL contact point
cleaned up....for temporary measure
gonna change to new set on next week
this is new exprience...for me..because i'm 100% carguy...motorbike never appear in my wish list..
....before life is banned from motorcycle by my mOm...
while my dad....he's 123% he used to ride BMW bike to work in during 80's
so...maybe all this while..its 50/50 feel...
its there in my heart....just waiting for me to discover it....
although its just Jaguh to all...but to me...its the best easyrider bike for newbie like me
now i feel what every biker feel